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May 4th 2023 Local Council Election Results

Seats where PIP fielded Candidates


Benjamin Bizzell (PIP)* 653
Wayne Johnson (Con) 614
Mark Maguire (Labour and Co-operative) 241


Rob Lillis (PIP)* 1036
Chas Mumford (Con) 566
Gwyn Bailey (Lab) 149


Gareth Howlett (PIP)* 900
Colin Mclean (CON) 624
Moreblessing Chasiya (LAB) 142
Keiron McGill (Reform UK) 32


Nicola Benson (PIP)* 604
Jack Fortt (CON) 409
Katie Curtis (LAB) 244


Jacqui Thornton (Con)* 698
Sonny Allain (PIP) 451
Dina Mehdi (Lab) 311
Geoffrey Duff (Lib Dems) 156
Simon Woodward (Reform UK) 79


Di Jones (PIP)* 948
James Cutler (Con) 420
Laurence Chapman (Labour and Co-operative) 262


Michael Dearson (PIP)* 892
Michael Dixon (CON) 497
Bill Emberson (LAB) 199


John Knott (PIP)* 1356
Eleanor Dixon (Con) 277
Joe Cooke (Labour and Co-operative) 153






May 5th 2022 Results

Appleton Ward:
Wayne Johnston (con) - 732
Lynsey McCarthey-Calvert (PIP) - 798
Toni Rocha Filho (lab) - 239
1769 votes, 5 rejected. Lynsey McCarthey-Calvert elected.


St. George's Ward:
Nicola Benson (PIP) - 562
Ros Dunhill (Lab) - 256
Sue Mumford (con) - 606
1,424 votes, 3 rejected. Sue Mumford elected.


Victoria Ward:

Bowker (PIP) - 1,152

Tom Harrison (lab & co-op) - 181

Paul Varker (con) - 515

1848. 8 rejected. Kieron Bowker elected.


St. Peter's Ward:

Hannah Barton-Brown (PIP) - 750

Nikki Drogman (con) - 664

Bill Emberson (lab) - 198

1,612 votes, 3 rejected. Hannah Barton-Brown elected.


Cedar Hall Ward:

Moreblessing Chasiya (lab) - 161

Tom Gibson (PIP) - 1056

Pat Haunts (con) - 584

1801 votes, 2 rejected. Tom Gibson elected.


Boyce Ward:

Gwyn Bailey (lab) - 196

Allen Edwards (PIP) - 902

Jack Fortt (con) - 783

1,881 votes, 3 rejected. Allen Edwards elected.


St. Mary's Ward:

Sharon Ainsley (PIP) - 940

Laurence Chapman (lab) - 268

Ben Downton (Her) - 23

Andrew Sheldon (con) - 737

1968 - votes, 2 rejected. Sharon Ainsley elected.


Election Results: Team
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