We are now offering Party Membership to our supporters. Join us and have your say on how we can shape Castle Point for the benefit of the residents. Visit our membership page here
Our Campaigns
We will work to ensure the community and local leaders have the knowledge to be able to use resources most effectively, and use opportunities to make a real change in Castle Point society. We see our campaigns as collective efforts and tools for connecting and building a stronger Community spirit and for residents to feel involved and listened to.

Save Our Green Belt
Everyone Counts
This is the prime priority why our party was formed, and what drives us on. You will find information on this website and from our social media accounts on our latest actions, how the Local Plan is progressing and how you can help us in achieving our ultimate goal of not only saving Castle Point green belt in the short term, but for the foreseeable future .

Keeping The Lights On
Every Opinion Matters
PIP will propose and implement a full public consultation on the matter of streetlights in castle point to either:
Leave the streetlights on overnight
Investigate sensor lights to switch lights on only where there is activity.
Alternative lighting
The safety of its residents should be the absolute top priority of any council. The environmental cost of this will, of course, be included in the full public consultation.
on the outcome

Fixing the potholes
Call For Accountability
Roads are the responsibility of Essex County Council and Essex Highways. This means that they fall outside the remit of Castle Point Borough Council. What does fall inside the remit of Castle Point Borough Council is the overall health and safety of our residents. Therefore, we will lobby ECC tirelessly to maintain our roads to a proper standard. After all, 71% of our council tax goes to ECC. It is about time we saw some return on this investment.

Saving Our Libraries
Ensuring that All Voices are Heard
We believe Libraries change lives for the better. Not only providing access to books and other literature but also helping people to help themselves and improving their opportunities. We want them not only to survive but to thrive, and will look at innovative ways these can function as community hubs providing needed services. We will lobby to ensure libraries are kept open.